Chapter 24

How do you think Brady's school and community are going to react?  What about J.T. and Digger?


  1. I think the community will be glad Brady told the truth, but disappointed for his role in it.I think Brady’s school will not think of him the same at all.Finally, I think J.T. and Digger are going to be mad because they didn’t want him to tell anyone about it.

  2. I think Brady school is going to react surprised and disappointed in J.T and Digger,and there community might be a little disappointed J.T and DIgger are going to be very mad at Brady for telling on them.

  3. They are going to be mad at J.T and Digger for killing ben and making him freeze to death.

  4. I think Brady is going to have a lot of trouble at school with everyone teasing him and j.t. And digger is not going to like him anymore when they go to court.

  5. I think Brady’s school and community will be shocked and never would of thought that Brady would do something and his teachers might think you better not mess with him. Community wise, if people don’t know Brady, now they do and wouldn’t want to deal with him or mess with him either. J.T. and Digger would never ever be his friend again and their consequences might be harsh, horrible even I wouldn’t want to be them, and their parents might as well give them up and say who child you belong to? And with J.T.’s dad being in the hospital with a needed kidney it’s not going to be good for J.T..J.T. and Digger They are suppose to be the role models and the little ones would think it’s okay to do that stuff and it’s not.Don’t do it.

  6. Digger drilling the holes in the Red Kayak . And Digger begged Brady to not tell no one . Brady kept this a secret for a while . And He went out with Mr.park to find the Red Kayak . For a few hours they finally found the Red Kayak. I think that the community will say to Brady he’s a good boy to tell the truth. And when he get’s to school kids and teachers are going to say you are very brave to tell everything to the cops. Even if he didn’t want too. What happened to J.T. and Digger They probably went to a camp or to jail for 9 or 10 months or years. That’s what I think about this story.

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  8. I think Brady's community is going to be devastated because they didn't think Ben died and thought everything was good. But then they will think he lied to them once they find out. Brady will be sad because his reputation dropped. J.T and Digger will be scared because they will be in jail for a long time. But Brady's choice was the right one.

  9. Maybe their community is not going to be that shocked but,the kids in his school might be because you know there is some kids who are mean and are going to say stuff about him.His community is just going to be a little freaked because when they see the news,it might say the he came up with the plan and forced J.T. and Digger to do it or something and some of them might be well a little freaked out.last I believe Digger will be really mad and angry a Brady because he told on him and J.T.,and J.T. will be sad because his family is going to be away and his family needs him for lots of stuff and his family might even break apart like Brady's did when Amanda died.

  10. Brady school will react like if they were sad and will maybe say that they were best friend and the other kids will be like telling each other to not look or talk to each other and Kat will never forget about what happen. And Brady community will react is maybe they said that Brady was a good kid. And he will never say stuffs like that. And the react of J.T and Digger well Digger will try and say why did you say that to his ear and tell he didn’t did that. And J.T. will might cry and say that he didn’t did that.

  11. What I think that Brady’s community is going to think of him is that he is not a nice person and J.T and Digger maybe well think about Brady that he is a backstaber and a liar and not a nice friend and did not keep it a secret and that he just had to said it to somebody and well not be friends with him any more .

  12. 11/13/17 i think how Brady's community is going to react like you guys are killers and nobody wouldn't want to talk to j.t. Nor digger and maybe Brady.and j.t. And diggers parents are going to be very mad and sad because they did something wrong but they didn't mean to kill Ben because they didn't know he was in the kayak and also it Brady fault because he had a idea about putting holes in the Diangelo's red kayak and so j.t. And digger went on to get Brady's dad's drill and put holes in the kayak and glued them back on but not that good so the Diangelo's can drowned and Brady's community is just gonna be sad and mad and they might try to chase them out of town so they won't come back never ever AGAIN.

  13. Maybe the school and public is going to be shocked and whisper to another person and tell them what happened with Digger J.T and Brady.
    Also it might be that people won’t talk to him not even his teacher or other adults will talk to him he might just learn or be alone the school also might be glad for telling the truth.
    J.T and Digger might go to jail for killing Ben and not see their parents in a long time or might not get to go back to school until the manager say they can get out of jail.

  14. I think that the people at his school will think he is a snitch and not want to talk to him or look at him. J.t and Digger will be in trouble and made at Brady and will not trust him.

  15. When Brady go to school nobody is going to know maybe if j.t digger tell everybody at school and how j.t and digger is rest is never telling to Brady or just go up to Brady and said Brady why would you do that Brady i thould that we were friend but i had to tell not just keep it for my rest of my live like what if you had someone in your family that kill somebody you are not going to keep for your rest of your life .


  16. The school will not sit by him and the community will not like him anymore and J.T and digger will not talk to him his mom will talk the key back from him and will never trust him again he will have to walk to school from now on he will tell them he is growing every time wher he goes his friends will never look to him again J.T and digger will go to juve till thier 21 his parents will be sad for a long time so will his brady's parents or J.T or digger will ever talk to brady again

  17. 11/14/17
    I think Brady school is going to be mean to him and his community will maybe never talk to him and his family. Mrs.DiAngelo will not talk to him again. J.t and Digger are going to the police to talk to them and tell the story. J.t and Digger are going to have to do time it just depend on the punishment.

  18. I think that Brad’s school,community,and friends are gonna be angry with him and i think there gonna asked brady questions. And J.T., digger are not gonna be friends with brady anymore. And i think that the police are gonna asked him questions to like why did you not tell us one year ago and why did you thought about doing that. So i think that Brady’s life should be hard when he told it to his dad and then told it to a lawyer and the lawyer told it to the po po/police so i think that when we are done i think something is going to happen.

  19. I think that Brady's school is going to react is mad, or, sad, or say that Brady had to do the right thing. Probably J.T and Digger might not be his friend. Kate might be mad and also they might go to juvie. Brady needs to get his life straight or think or something. Brady's parents might be on the news and they might tell questions about what happened.

  20. Master Williams give J.T and Digger it was to go in the wood for camp for nine month but it is fair that it is only nine month and it was not until 21 year old they are lucky because they said sorry they still had to pay for what they and Digger said that it was not J.T to blame for what he did J.T help get the drill and the gule and J.T was not going to get off the hook.


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