Chapter 7

Why do you think Brady was pulled out of school by his mother?


  1. I think Brady got poled out of school because something happen to Ben or he got brain damage

    1. or it could be hes being bung to the t.v show

  2. The reason why Brady's mom probably pulled Brady out of school is because something is wrong with Ben he might have brain damage.

  3. The reason his mom pulled him out of school is because something to Ben or his mom. I think that because if something happened he should know about it right away. Also, if you are in the water for so long something bad could happen. For example, Ben or Mrs. DiAngelo might have brain damage.

  4. 10/10/17
    The reason Brady’s mom came and picked him up was maybe to tell Brady the good or bad news.Also the reason might just about Ben and his mom after being rescued by the ambulance,either way it is good news or bad news.

  5. I think Brady mother pulled him out of school that she can tell him something about Ben and Ben’s mother.!!!!

  6. I think Brady was pulled out from school was maybe because his mom hear news about Ben.

  7. After reading chapter 7, I think the reason Brady gets pulled again from school, this time by his mother is probably due to another emergency.It's probably something to do with The DiAngelos, or maybe even J.T and Digger.

  8. I think Brady mom had pull him out because he saw Ben and his mom go out on the river or that Ben has brain damage.

  9. I think Brady got pulled out of school because I think something happen to Ben.

  10. Bradys mom pulled him out of school because the news came so I think his mom wants to take him to eat are something.

    1. But why was Bradys mom going crazy

  11. 10/10/17
    I predict why brady’s mom pulled him out cause brady’s mom probliy got some bad news about ben haveing a critical brain damege!

  12. 10/10/17 his mom pulled him from school because he is probably ok or not ok.

  13. 10/10
    Brady mother pulled him out of school because how Brady said that he hopes that Ben don’t get something bad and if Ben does then the doctors will know and tell him too. So I think that something bad happen to Ben. And that Brady Mom pulled him out of school fast.

  14. I think Brady’s mom pulled him out of school because something could be wrong with Ben.

  15. 10/10/17
    I think Brady’s mom pulled Brady out of school because Ben got out of danger. Or someone else got lost. I think mom has bad news about Ben. That’s what I think.

  16. I think Brady mom is pulled him out of school is that samething happen to Ben
    Is that how brain damage


  17. I believe Brady was pulled out of school because maybe something happened to Ben that was so bad that he had to be pulled out of school.

  18. Brady's mom pulled him out of school because maybe his mom is going to take him to see Ben.To see how he is doing or maybe because something happened to Ben. I hope nothing happened to Ben.I would be mad.

  19. Brady,is mad at J.T and Digger for not telling him the truth and is jealous of him saving Ben,what I’ve would of said to them is”Guys what’s wrong what did I do to you?”


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